PARTEX is a PARTEX ITALIA s.r.l. brand for the production of shock absorbers in Italy and for commercial distribution in Italy and rest of the world.
The Manufactoing Plant is located in Venaria Reale (Turin, Italy) and al the assets are shipped from the Logistic Hub in Leinì (Turin, Italy)
PARTEX is an important member of the QUALITY SUSPENSION GROUP, which brings together the most important Italian manufacturers of suspensions for trucks, buses, light commercial vehicles and trailers.
Important synergies and collaborations allow PARTEX to continually increase the product technical knowledge and to offer the customer a full service and high performance products.
Just through comparison with partners and other market players can born new ideas and new solutions.Ciascuno può approfondire con un semplice tocco di mouse ogni singolo VALORE PARTEX e verificare la rispondenza alle proprie esigenze, nonchè contattarci per qualsiasi approfondimento.